Archived Daily Picture & Story

Posted on September 23rd, 2019

The Front of the Empire State Plaza from the I-787 Approach

The Front of the Empire State Plaza from the I-787 Approach

The Empire State Plaza, or the ESP was a New York State government project from the Rockerfeller days of the 1960s and 1970s. It provided an office complex next to the state capitol and other state buildings in downtown Albany. It cost around two billion dollars to build, due partly to its large use of marble. It was also controversial for the gargantuan scale of the complex and it looks like you are approaching a fortress, coming from the river. The project displaced hundreds of buildings and thousands of families at the time of its construction.  Today there are many events held on the concourse and plaza including music and food festivals. It also boast the Egg, the NYS Performing Arts Center.

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